Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Observation Performed at Atascadero Lake Park

This paper will include observations of interactions between other children that appeared to be in his respective age group as well as children of the opposite sex and In some cases younger and older. Through the use of Piglet's theory of child development and other resources I will compare the child's development as compared to other children In his age range, as well as ascertaining and conveying the parenting style that I observed during this time.Observation of a 3 Year Old Boy Upon arriving at the Decorator Lake Park I positioned myself at a bench close to the play area. This area Included many of the usual types of equipment that one old expect to see at a park that Is frequented by young children. Clearly most of the play equipment was of modern construction and design and It being a beautiful sunny day, the park was full of children of various ages and stages of development.The child I observed primarily was a male approximately three to four years of age and was very active during the time he was at play. He appeared to be at a normal state of development upon my initial observation and this point was only confirmed as I continued to watch Children between the ages of three and four typically walk more rhythmically and re able to easily go from a walk to a run, they Jump and are more able to throw and catch object much more effectively, essentially there gross motor skills advance (Beer).Children in this age range also exhibit improvement with their fine motor skills that allow them to use zippers and eating utensils much more effectively (Beer). The young boy I was observing displayed an excellent ability to climb and run, his balance and depth perception seemed to be very appropriate for this age range. There were many other children of various different ages and sexes at the park as well as the child that I was observing. He seemed especially adept at interacting with many of the other children.Although there were many different toys and pieces of e quipment to play on I also observed several of the children pretending that they were on a ship at sea or performing in the circus, according to Pigged this is part of the operational stage which represents a stage of development that usually occurs Detente ten ages AT two Ana seven (Plague, EYE). One AT ten most villous attributes of this stage is the extraordinary increase in representational, or symbolic, activity (Pigged, 1951). Pigged felt that make believe play was an excellent way for hillier to strengthen newly acquired representational schemes (1951).The child that I was observing seemed to have excellent manual dexterity, he was able to swing from bar to bar on the Jungle gym with ease. He was able to climb up and down the various ladders and chain ropes, crawl through the many openings of the mock tree house that had been provided by the designers of this particular park. One of the longest periods of time he spent on one task was during his time in the sand box. He focus ed a great deal on building what appeared to be a pyramid or some sort of castle.The focus the he exhibited on the end result, I found to be remarkable, however once he had made the decision that it met his expectations he made it a point to not only destroy what he had been painstakingly working on for the better part of forty minutes he also smoothed over the area that he had been working, almost seeming to be concerned that there was no visible evidence remaining. There was a great deal of interaction between the young man and his peers he seemed to have no issue with the sex of the other child, however I did observe at one point that he was holding the hand of a girl who appeared to be around the same GE as he.He appeared to be attempting to persuade her to Join him on the swings. She however was not interested in that particular activity. She actually looked as if she wanted to leave the sandy area of the playground and move onto the grass which would have involved navigating a small step up. When the girl attempted to step up she tripped, causing the boy made a valiant attempt to stop her from falling, to no avail. He was however successful in aiding her to stand back up and helped to bush of the sand. I will say from that point forward the girl was not as eager to hold his and as she clearly felt that was what had caused her to fall.After observing this boy for some time it became clear that he was there with two other children. One a male that was younger than he and the other a female that looked to be approximately four to five years old. In addition after hearing some discussion I was able to ascertain that these children were there with the boys mother and grandmother. Although I did not witness any direct disciplinary steps taken by either of the adult authority figures it was clear that both of the adults were very engaged in what the children were doing.However they allowed the children to lay on the various types of equipment and really only be came involved with specific instructions if it seemed that any of the children were considering leaving the immediate play area. I really felt that the adults were allowing the children to explore and engage in whatever activity they so choose provided it was not an activity that could potential cause harm. In this particular case on this particular day the parental figure was clearly exhibiting the authoritative method of child rearing.According to Beer the authoritative child rearing style is the most successful approach that involves high acceptance and involvement, which includes adaptive control techniques and appropriate autonomy granting (up. 260-261). Although I had only a few opportunities to hear conversations between the adult figure and the child I was serving It was clear Tanat communication was Tree Tooling In ten sense Tanat when the boy expressed what he wanted to do the parent was very responsive to the idea.The youngest of the three children in this group began to have some sort of issue with being unable to navigate the low hanging swing bridge. Subsequently he began to cry which then turned into a fully fledged protest. The boy that I was observing immediately came to his younger peer's assistance. He was able to hold onto the younger child allowing him to make it across and back. This show of empathy which becomes an important part of proboscis and altruistic behavior, according to Beer empathy becomes more common in early childhood and typically preschoolers rely more on words to communicate empathic feelings. (p. 60). In this particular case it was clear that the older boy was in fact talking the younger child through the necessary steps in order to successfully traverse this bridge. This boy seemed especially adept with social interaction and seemed able to move room situation to situation with ease and was comfortable engaging with children of different sexes, ages and points in development. In some instances he seemed to almost make a point to become involved with all of the groups of children. Additionally he appeared to make a point to try to include some other children that were more focused on solitary activities.This I found to be almost deliberate, it seemed that not only was he concerned that a few of the children were playing alone, he persisted in his invitation to Join the other children even when the â€Å"lone wolf† expressed no or very little desire to participate in any group activity. Comparing the child that I was observing to several of the other children that appeared to be in his approximate age range his development seemed to be at least comparable and in some cases further along that the others.With regards to his ability to communicate with the others as well as his ability to move from group to group with a great deal of ease he exhibited an excellent ability to vacillate between appropriate energy levels and vocal volume that would be appropriate to the circumstances to which he wa s about to enter. This displayed to me that the child was experienced with many different types of play or social situations and was able to differentiate each situation without disrupting the other children's focus.This was in clear contrast to several of the other children of the same approximate age that clearly felt it was necessary to make a grand entrance. The amount of time that I spent observing this child's adeptness to navigate through a fairly complicated social playing field displayed how impressive this ability truly was. During the final thirty minutes of my time at the park I really tried to focus on pavement and physical acuity. The boy tended to focus much of his attention on the â€Å"Jungle gym â€Å"equipment.This particular apparatus offered many types of activities, slides, rope swings, monkey bars, which this particular child seemed especially skilled in, also various ladders of different shapes and moving in multiple directions. I can assure you this was no t the park toys of my younger days. The equipment at this park seemed well designed offering the children many different opportunities to discover any hidden acrobatic skills that they may be harboring.All in all this observation made it clear that this young child, this boy of three or four years old, was agile and energetic, had clearly been exposed to many types of social solutions, Ana parents Tanat succeeded to ten autonomy tattle style Ana was developing both physically and cognitively at an appropriate level. In my opinion in many cases he was a bit advanced compared to other children that I observed during my time at Decorator Lake Park. The one thing that impressed me the most was his ability to socialize, to communicate and yet seem to really enjoy his time at the park.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Labrouste and Ledoux

Henri Labrouste and Claude Ledoux were French architects during the 18th and 19th centuries and are pioneers of modern architecture. Henri Labrouste was born in 1801 and was the product of the renowned Ecole des Beaux Arts School of Architecture. He believed that architecture should reflect society, and his work reflects the rationalism and technical aspects of industrial society. His work also embodies the ideals of writer Victor Hugo, who believed that architecture is a form of communication, like literature, and that in the beginning phases of construction it expressed the generalization of society and social commonalities. Claude Ledoux was born in 1736 and was one of the earliest exponents of neoclassical architecture. He gained architectural relevance after marrying the daughter of someone who worked for the royal court and was offered a job for the courts Water and Forestry Department. He was considered a utopian architect and had some very modern ideas about industrial production, urban planning, and territorial intelligence. Henri Labrouste was one of the first architects to master using iron structure in an aesthetically pleasing way. Iron had already been used in structures like train stations, but never in a formal interior environment, as in a library. One example of his skillful use of iron is in the library, Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve, where he incorporated past masonry construction practices with iron. He kept the huge arches of past churches, but instead of using heavy stones he used iron trusses for support. With this new design, the exterior walls no longer had to hold all of the forces from the arches, and the iron supports could simply rest on top of the walls. The walls were also modified with the use of iron by essentially applying reinforcement bars encased with plaster to make thinner walls, that had just as much strength as previous thicker walls. Since the new iron arches are so strong, Labrouste was able to take pieces out to create a design and pattern out of the support itself. Even the connections between the arch and columns or walls were made to look decorative and light while keeping a strong connection, which he also did in Bibliotheque Imperiale, but with domes rather than barrel vaults. In another one of his libraries, he Bibliotheque Nationale de France, he once again used massive arches and domes of antiquity, but manages to make the dome look very light by inserting oculi and supporting it by thin, reinforced columns. The dome is made from plaster, but has a web of steel to allow for it to be thinner and to support the massive openings that are covered in glass. Unlike Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve, he hides almost all of t he steel structure so that it looks like a feat of engineering and design to have such a large dome that is so thin and supported by such thin columns. Labrouste was on the forefront of integrating new technology with past materials and design concepts. Rather than using new materials like Labrouste, Claude Ledoux used new ideas to establish a new architectural language. He designed many tollhouses around the walls of Paris through his connection to the royal court. Many of them resembled Greek and Roman temples but had new elements that gave them a modern look. He travelled to England in 1769 and became very familiar with Palladio and since then usually used a cubic style with a broken portico that allowed any structure to look important. He built several homes during his time in England, including the King’s mistress, who became a good connection for Ledoux in later years. In his work, Barriere des Bons-Hommes, he simplifies architecture down to its purest form by essentially placing a large cube on stilts, much like later architect Le Corbusier did in his Villa Savoye. One of Ledoux’s most notable works was the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans where he explored the concept of an ideal community. He located the community near a forest, rather than a source of salt water because it would be more efficient to transport water than wood for the furnaces. It was constructed in 1775 and was intended to be a multi-phase project, but after 1778 construction stopped with only the first phase complete. The design still functioned as intended with a central building for the controllers that was between the two furnaces and had a view of all of the housing. All of the buildings would act independent from one another but were still placed in a logical order to allow for maximum efficiency, such as the placement of the blacksmiths near the furnaces. The perfectly circular design was also intended to evoke the harmony of the ideal city. Ledoux was one of the first architects to design such thought out communities and maximize efficiency through the use of architecture and explore the concept of a self-sustaining utopian society. As he put, â€Å"unfortunate is the one who fails to see in reality what he is being made to see, who is unable to imagine,† showing how ahead of his time he was with his concept of designing ideal societies. Claude Ledoux and Henri Labrouste were two of the most important neoclassical architects because of their innovative thoughts and designs. Labrouste successfully experimented with the use of iron to innovate his designs and change the way buildings were built forever. Through the simplification of design and studying of geometries, Ledoux pioneered the concept of utopian communities and maximizing resources and efficiency. Ledoux and Labrouste were at the forefront of modernity and their concept of design are still used and perfected to this day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What's a good solution to the problem of bullying Stopping Mean Girls Essay

What's a good solution to the problem of bullying Stopping Mean Girls From Taking Over the Playground - Essay Example Both authors agree that the problem is made worse by parents who enable their daughters and take pride in their being â€Å"top dog† in schools and the playground. These parents are actually missing the point. Their daughters are not growing up to be empowered individuals because they do not live in a world where a check and balance exists with punishements for grevious acts such as playground or school bullying that leads another little girl to take her own life. Mean girl bullying is a real problem that has yet to find a workable solution. Through this paper, I would like to present certain suggestions as to how the problem might be best dealt with with or without the cooperation of the parents of the bully / mean girl. According to Jessica Bennett, the problem of mean girl behavior has gotten so out of hand lately that, due to the fact that it has already caused the deaths of a number of young girls through suicide, authorities should consider turning bullying resulting in death into a crime. Maybe with a punishment of 10 years in jail (Bennett, Jessica â€Å"From Lockers to Lock-Up†). Due to the behavior of the girls involved in the Pheobe Prince case, she might be suggesting an action that makes sense. However, before judgement is passed upon the mean girl, one should first look at the history of the mean girl in order to find out if she is merely acting out or actually beyond help. Maybe the relational agression that is being displayed has something to do with the family life of the girl. According to sources at the website KidsHealth, most bullies come from: ... families where everyone is angry and shouting all the time. They may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. Some bullies are copying what they've seen someone else do. Some have been bullied themselves (â€Å"Dealing with Bullies†). Taking a cue from that statement, it is important for school authorities, specially the guidanc e counselors to keep an open line of communication with the mean girls or bullies in order to determine the source of aggression. Since women are more docile in nature, even when with peers of her own age, and tend to be more influenced by their mothers actions, it is quite possible that the victim and mean girl are acting out roles based upon their own mother's actions and advice. In which case, it is important to inform the girls about the repercussions of their actions and the fact that no girl is expected to act in the same manner as their mothers. The school authorities should also ensure that anti-bullying programs are in place in school as well. Perhaps reimposing classes in good manners and right conduct are in order. Such classes teach students the proper way to treat one another and their elders as opposed to the â€Å"Kardashian† type of treating one another or even the â€Å"Gossip Girl† type of friendships. Since most of these girls are easily influenced b y the entertainment media, most specially the reality shows, they should be taught to tell the difference between reality and â€Å"entertainment reality† â€Å"Growing Old Younger† may be the hip word among the girls these days but just because they know how to act mature does not mean they are mature. They are totally unprepared for real life and think that by play acting, in the same manner that the television shows portray, they are actually aging faster (Paul, Pamela â€Å"The Playground Gets Even Tougher†). The Girl Scouts of America actually have an anti-bullying program that could benefit the public and private schools called â€Å"Be a Friend First† (BFF). This program teaches young girls to stand up for one another with bullies and encourages them to become part of the solution to the mean girl problem by using tools that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

International Business Strategy - Essay Example International firms do their business utilizing these three strategies and depends on their choice, their success come out. Samsung and Nokia, two internationally renowned mobile phone manufacturing giants, has been credited as long time competitors. The change in technology in mobile phones to smartphones and touchscreens from normal keypad based phones and the firmware updates came with it have emerged as the key issues to be addressed while doing the business. In UK, Samsung entered to capture the market that was dominated by Apple and Nokia. While most of the industrial strategist viewed Samsung’s decision to invade the UK market as a next to impossible venture, the Korean strategists thought it in different way. In the end, it is found that, Samsung has become the market leader and Nokia’s marketing strategy has failed miserably. This paper is concerned with discussing the international business strategies taken by Samsung and Nokia in UK in the context of the industry based, resource based and institution based view of international business strategy. This is also known as Industrial Organization thinking of strategic approaches where it is assumed that internationalization of a firm depends on the degree of competitive rivalry existing in its operating environment. Nokia, once termed as the undisputed king of the mobile handset market, has followed the resource based strategy during their ‘going global’ process. The Finland based mobile handset manufacturing giant has realized that in order to prevent the dipping sales figure, technological up gradation up to the standard of modern day business is needed. Nokia believed that firm’s own resource and capabilities are enough to build core competencies and due to strong brand image of Nokia, their position in the market place will be secured automatically. But it is found that the Symbian OS Nokia’s phones are out dated in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

17th century baroque dress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

17th century baroque dress - Essay Example The baroque dresses initially consisted of bobbin lace, and had falling collars. The patterns continued to evolve and get bolder. By the middle of the 17th century, the laces in the dresses had become straight edged, and they had patterned flowers. The flowers were arranged in a symmetric way. The designs of the baroque dress were to continue to change and evolve through the century. During the last quarter of the 17th century, there was the development of lighter lace. The lace had more scrollwork and smaller flowers. It also had an abundance of frothy points. The women’s clothes during the late 17th century period mostly resembled the one piece gowns, although they mainly consisted of a skirt and a top that were sewn together at the middle. The design of the dresses was meant to ‘stuff up’ the female figure. The designers during this period begun to come up with elaborate dress textiles that changed depending on the seasons. The period also saw the constant crea tion of new and textured designs. The designs and textures of the dresses was underwent tremendous changes during the 17th century period. From the early 17th century to the mid 17th century, the high wasted baroque dresses that had characterized the earlier 17th century were replaced by dresses with long waists in the mid 17th century. The gowns were typically two piece gowns, with bodices and skirts.The bodice and the skirts were however in most cases sewn together at the waist. The gowns were also open at the front center.

United Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United Healthcare - Essay Example United Healthcare has developed various programs that will help in providing consumers of all ages and gender with health services. The programs include AmeriChoice, OptumHealth, and Ingenix (UHG, 2009). AmeriChoice is a program that the organization has developed to help low-income families to access health care at an affordable price. This program enables low-income families to pay for health services using any means that fits their economic well-being (Gray, Lowery, & Benz, 2013). This development will enhance low-income earners to access health services in the organization in the next decade. The institution has also developed a program known as OptumHealth that helps employees who have health needs. This initiative educates the employees and it helps them to overcome chronic diseases (Miles, 2012). This program will enable all organizations to enroll their workers in the initiative to improve their health. A report by the United Healthcare organization indicates that at least 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 on a daily basis (UHG, 209). This has motivated the organization to develop a program known as Ovations, which helps individuals who are above 50 years to get the health care that they deserve. This initiative helps the aging members of the society to determine and access the health services that fit their personal needs. The organization is also entering into partnerships with shopping centers and stores to increase access to health services. These partnerships enable the company to open branches in the shopping centers (Showalter, 2012). This will ensure that citizens access health education and services almost at their doorstep in the next decade and beyond this time. Â  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chinese Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Chinese - Essay Example By stealing the sword, Jade Fox a woman who is acquainted with Wudang skills is accused of stealing it, though she only stole it to show her kung fu martial arts are better. However, the film also presents in a complete elaborate details of all the levels of life, love and life. Through Jens, the real life and the real life situations that occur in the daily life, we find Jen portraying the same effect (Seto, Lu, and Ming). Li mu bai is not only an accomplished swordsman but also a martial artist and a main character in the film. He has a sword, The Green Destiny Sword, which is a renowned sword due to its superiority in a fight as well as its grace. The sword has been for about 400-years of which it has some special powers. His artistic martial arts were at a high level and he had practiced in the Wudan School of sword fighting which is well known throughout China. Unfortunate for him, he has been trying all through to find the person who murdered his master, whom Jade Fox had killed. This being his target mission was for him to complete his destined life, and all that he goes through, the training, the fights and all the obstructions that he has faced in his life are solely related to the special sword. He fails to find the person and he is tired of the continuous fighting of search where he resorts to rest and live the ways of a warrior. It is then that he decides to hand over the sword to Yu Shu Li en so that she could deliver it and present it like a gift to one of their friends known as Sir Te. Li Mu Bai explains that the sword has or holds too much memories of his past and thus his wish is to retire in peace. However, it li mu bai loves Shu lien and that is not deniable because both have feelings for each other though they never acknowledge it or act it out (Seto, Lu, and Ming). Shu-lien is as wudan expert and a martial artist. She was married to Meng, the classmate to Mu bai and who was murdered in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Governance in the Caribbean Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Governance in the Caribbean - Research Paper Example In political dimension, the Caribbean is defined by such countries as the republic of Guyana, Suriname and the Belize. In understanding the region of Caribbean, this paper intends to analyze the governance systems that are exercised within the region with special attention to the role that the legislative and or civil societies play in improving the governance practices within the region. Democracies have taken a central role in the modern day government systems across the globe. The provisions of democracy as a school of thought within the political government dictate the government that is instituted to cater for the people by the people. This has therefore given rise to active participation in governance structures and practices by civil societies and collaboration of these groups and the legislature of the democratic countries. Therefore the focus of this paper will be on understanding how the legislature and the civil institutions get involved in government processes within this region. The civil societies and institutions have come up to be very influential in matters of leadership and governances across the globe.1 In the Caribbean region, the governments have not failed to recognize the strategic role played by the legislature as well as the civil society institutions. For instance, the Caribbean region countries together with other sovereign countries found within Africa and North America have sought ways to have the civil society organizations included in policy deliberations.2 Corporate governance has gained special attention in the government systems across the globe in the recent past. It has been studied with special attention, as it is perceived to be an integral constituent in developing the appropriate infrastructure necessary for the realization of transparent as well as sound money as well as capital markets. The sound governance in the institutions defines the levels of investor confidence created within these countries as well as determinin g the levels of liquidity within the markets. 3 Nevertheless, some regions such as areas within the Caribbean region organized markets have been and continue to be nascent with weak corporate control, which necessitates deliberate efforts to realize governance structures, which are credible. The government corporate has suffered great losses through corrupt activities, under competent directors as well as other negligent corporate scandals. The civil societies have therefore come up strategic in addressing these underperformances with the objective of restoring sanity to government institutions, which are responsible in corporate management. Poor governance structures as instituted by the current constitutions governing many of the Caribbean states have led to observable conflicts between the public as represented by the civil groups and the government represented by the military and the political class. Powerful political executives as well as authoritarian rule characterize the go vernance frameworks within many of the Caribbean countries such as Jamaica. This has been evidenced by one party dominance and control in parliaments within the Caribbean region. Ratings by the Transparency international on corruption indices within many of the countries within this region has been low and the general perception by majority of the electorate within the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Globalization and the Future of German Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Globalization and the Future of German - Article Example The article on globalization and the future of the German language too offers an accurate analysis. It analyzes the impacts the German language encounters in the face of English being the global language. The authors of the article view the increasing use of the English language as a risk to the use of the German language (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The article looks at the national and global position of their language in comparison to the standing of the English language. The analysis gives the various uses of the German language across the fields of science and their uses in other nations. It also aids in expounding on how it fairs against other foreign languages on the global scene. The authors view the growing pressure of English as a threat to the German language. The article discusses the risks of the German language losing out in the globalization process. The article suggests that these will hinder the countries efforts of growth (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). This article descri bes the country’s past glory as the motivation that should drive the current generations. It additionally suggests ways and means that the German authorities can use in improving their impact on the globalization process. The effects of the country lagging behind in this process come as a result of the inability of the regime to market themselves appropriately. This is seen as being the reason the other countries in Europe are growing so rapidly and becoming such great influences in the globalization process (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The authors view English as an official language that people all over the globe use.  TThe article on globalization and the future of the German language too offers an accurate analysis. It analyzes the impacts the German language encounters in the face of English being the global language. The authors of the article view the increasing use of the English language as a risk to the use of the German language (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The artic le looks at at the national and global position of their language in comparison to the standing of the English language. The analysis gives the various uses of the German language across the fields of science and their uses in other nations. It also aids in expounding on how it fairs against other foreign languages on the global scene. The authors view the growing pressure of English as a threat to the German language. The article discusses the risks of the German language losing out in the globalization process. The article suggests that these will hinder the countries efforts of growth (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). This article describes the country’s past glory as the motivation that should drive the current generations. It additionally suggests ways and means that the German authorities can use in improving their impact on the globalization process. The effects of the country lagging behind in this process come as a result of the inability of the regime to market themselves appropriately. This is seen as being the reason the other countries in Europe are growing so rapidly and becoming such great influences in the globalization process (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The authors view English as an official language that people all over the globe use.   Conversely, the article, globalization, and free trade offer highly accurate information from the World Bank on the impacts and effects of globalization. It gives a detail of the evolution of the globalization process to its current state (Goldstein, 2007). The details on the escalation and development of this globalization process are also seen in the book. The book gives examples on several case studies done in various countries ranging from Bolivia, Russia, the United States, and China.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Separation of church and state Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Separation of church and state - Essay Example "   First coined by Thomas Jefferson in his letter to Danbury Baptists Association in 1802, the phrase ‘separation of church and state’ does not appear as such in the Constitution. But, in the First Amendment to the constitution, it is noted that Congress â€Å"shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†, which in spirit translates to the sentiment expressed by Jefferson in his letter. Later, when the Supreme Court quoted Jefferson’s original phrase in one of its cases, it got assimilated into American legal parlance. 3- What is the secular or liberal point of view?   This governing principle is celebrated by liberal sections of American society. At the time of the country’s founding a vast majority of its people were believers of Christian faith. So, while separation of church and state was accepted at a nominal level, there was seldom any need to enforce it. But as more waves of immigrant s arrived on the country’s shores, bringing with them their native religious and cultural legacies, this principle found more frequent application in matters of public dispute. To this extent, liberal politicians and commentators much appreciate this separation. 4-What was the intent of the founding fathers   Even among the group of intellectuals now recognized as the founding fathers of the country there were arguments and disagreements.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Troop Surge and The Iraq War Essay Example for Free

The Troop Surge and The Iraq War Essay Sometimes, what matters to one person may not mean much to another person. This is not because one side is insensitive to the other, but because they are so far removed from the situation that it really does not impact them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Iraq War is such an example. For 140,000 troops, the Iraq War is a very dangerous reality. For many millions of people, the War is something that does not affect them because it is â€Å"over there.† This does not mean they are insensitive. It just means that there are many people for whom the War does not directly touch, therefore, it does not mean as much to them as it does other people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For me the War in Iraq is a serious matter as I am an individual directly involved with the situation. I am an Army Medic and have performed tours of duty in Iraq. With the recent announcement of the troop surge into the Iraqi Theater, I am confronted with something that does mean something to me and affects me directly. The reason for this is obvious: the surge may result in my having to return to Iraq.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So, for me, the Iraq War is something that touches me and my family on a personal level. It is not a disembodied military action that affects a national psyche or any similar media lamenting verbiage. It is a very real event and it directly impacts my life. This is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement. It is simply a direct reflection of a situation that I am involved.

Interpersonal and written communication techniques Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal and written communication techniques Essay Lip-reading: One skill that I have not fully develop to make me more employable in the I.T industry is the lip reading technique. Lip reading is the movement of lips and tongue; body language and facial expressions add to this technique, as it helps you to lip read better. With this technique I learnt that you have to look at the way a person stresses their speech, the rhythm and phrasing when trying to lip read. A good thing that I find about lip reading is that it provides a method of communication for deafened people. However, I found it quite difficult to lip read, because you have to pay full attention and look at lip shape and movement at all times, preventing me from concentrating. This technique is useful because it is a means of communication for the severely or totally deafened people. I also found this technique difficult to use because not all words are easy to read, some people mumble or even covered their hands when they were talking. This prevented me to lip read exactly what they say. I can further improve on this technique, by practising it over and over again, as it takes time and patience. Through this I will also be improving my confidence and strengthening my communication ability. Body language: I have developed my method of body language to make myself more employable to the i.t industry. Body language is the non-verbal signals as a method of communication through stance, gestures, facial expression etc. It also builds better relationships at home or at school. Some people may find it difficult to use body language in order to communicate, because they might find it hard to understand their gestures or facial expressions to convey what they are trying to say. This technique is useful and important in order to send the right message and to be able to read the signals the other person is sending back. Spoken communication is essential, as well as body language and facial expressions. By giving of natural body language, you are  showing that you are paying complete attention to what the employer is saying. Barriers to communication: I have develop the skill of barriers to communications. I developed this by making sure that I did not make the audience bored with my presentation. I did this by projecting my voice, so that it was loud and clear for the audience to hear and understand. Also, I made sure that my mobile phone was switched off, to avoid any distractions whilst presenting my presentation. This is a good skill to have because when communicating because when in a Conversation you are showing that you are paying full attention to everything they are saying. Positive language: I have developed the skill of using positive gesture. For example, having a smile on my face can make the other person feel more comfortable with what they are trying to say. I have also been using a genuine, formal tone of voice when addressing my peers, which makes me come across as someone with a positive attitude. I used ‘nodding’ as a form of positive language when someone was talking or explaining something to me. This shows that I am in agreement with what they are trying to say. In some conversations I may have summarised what they said to show that I have been listening to what they have said. Negative language: I have developed the skill to avoid using negative language with the improvement in my positive language. The use of negative language when communication with another person can make them feel really uncomfortable, this may also make them not want to talk to you. I stopped using negative facial expressions, to make myself come across more positively than negatively. I respond to people even if I have no interest in what they are saying. Types of questions: This is one of the skills that I have not improved on. I don’t tend to ask open questions when in a conversation. When I am not interested in a conversation I tend to either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to questions. This stops the conversation from flowing and shows my lack of interest. This technique can be improved/developed by avoiding the use of closed questions, because it  may show that you don’t want to be a part of that particular conversation and want it to end by giving dull replies. Speed of response: The speed of response technique depends on what the question or conversation is about. There may be some questions that I might be asked that require time to think to be able to give a clear respond to what they have asked. However, in some particular conversations my speed of response is quite fast, because I am aware of what to say. So, my speed of response depends completely on what the conversation or questions are about. Written communication skills: Capitalisation: A skills that I have improved in written communication is capitalisation. I have improved on this skill by always ensuring that I always use capital letters when writing a letter or important emails as it is essential and makes the letter or email look more professional. Capital letters are use at the start of sentences, names and country names. They are also used abbreviations for UK, USA etc. The idea of capitalisation is to make sure your sentences are clear. They can also be used for emphasis, you could capitalise words within your work and in order to emphasise your opinion. It may be difficult to read over your work to check that you have added capital letters if you are in a rush. Structure: One of the skills that I have not developed in written communication is structure, because I find it time consuming to structure a piece of writing. However, it is important to structure your piece of writing so that it makes sense. You will be able to order your writing in order of importance. Ordering your writing is important, because the reader may not understand your writing. I can further improve on this skills by making sure that I order and structure my work neatly as I go along, instead of leaving to the end, which makes it more time consuming. If I don’t do this then I am making it more difficult for myself trying to figure out what I have written. Smileys: I have improved on this skills, because I am able to use smileys and  emotions, which makes the conversation flow more effectively. However they are only used informally and not it letters. They can change the mood of you’re writing to show what mood you are in. It is also easier to get messages across to the other person. It is easier to show excitement or sarcasm with the use of emotions. They can also be used for advertisements, which can make the poster look more interesting and can easily grab the reader’s attention. However, they are not to be used in letters or in important emails, as it might give a bad impression of you, and you may not be taken seriously. Therefore, it is important to improve on this technique, as you should be aware of when you should or should not use these informal methods of communicating. Proof reading/spelling/grammar: I have not improved on the technique of proof reading my spelling and grammar after writing a letter or email. I think it would be important to improve on this technique as my letter would look more professional. Sending a letter or email that has poor spelling and poor use of grammar, shows your lack of interest and you will not be taken seriously. I can further improve on this technique by taking time out to proof read my work before sending it out. Proof reading my work can make a huge difference, because I will be taken more seriously if my letter is written in a more professional manner. Alternative viewpoints: I have not improved on the technique of giving or taking on board alternative viewpoints. I think it is a good idea to maybe take on board alternative viewpoints given to me by other people, so that I try more than one way of dong certain tasks. I think I can improve on this technique by giving other people my alternative viewpoints. In this way it shows that I have been listening to what the other person has been saying. By taking on board other the viewpoints of other people will help me to improve on my work. However, it may be difficult to grasp, because I rarely ever take on alternative viewpoints. Note taking: I have improved on the technique of note taking since September. I have improved on this skill, as I had started to take notes of important topics discussed during class discussions. Also I have started to highlight the key  facts on the hand-outs that were given to me. So that I focus mainly on the key points. This made it easier for me when it came to revision, because I knew exactly what I had to revise on for the exam. I also annotated the points on the hand outs, so that I am aware of what it means when I come to revise on that topic, as I am able to clearly understand it with extra detail. Guidelines: I have improved on the technique of using guidelines when doing my work. In September when starting my ict btec course, I downloaded the assignment brief for each unit. I always had the assignment brief out whenever I did a task, to help me understand what I have got to do to achieve the task clearly with step to step instructions given of everything I need to add in order to pass the task. Having improved on this technique was useful, because it gave me extra information of what the course is about, the deadlines for each task etc. Using the assignment brief made me more independent as I didn’t need to constantly ask my teacher for help.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership in the UK Banking Sector

Leadership in the UK Banking Sector Banking industry in the United Kingdom, where has around 50 scheduled commercial banks, is one of the most competitive sectors and has a direct influence on this country economy. The story started 18 months ago, when global economic crisis spread in the UK. Following results of it caused some of the most successful British bank leaders have been forced to resign. In this assignment, the current and future leadership requirements of the British bank industry and the methods and techniques of developing leadership skills will be discussed. 2. Table of contents Executive summary Table of contents Introduction Aim and Objective Scope Methodology The Bank Leadership Requirements in the UK The Current Bank Leadership Requirements in the UK High self-confidence High energy level and stress tolerance Conceptual Skills Social Intelligence Participative leadership behaviour 7.2. The Predicted Future Bank Leadership Requirements in the UK 7.2.1. Power Motivation 7.2.2. Achievement Orientation 7.2.3. Technical Skills 7.2.4. System Thinking Leadership Development Supporting Leadership Development Special Technique for Leadership Training 8.2.1. Behaviour Role Modelling 8.2.2. Case Discussion 8.2.3. Business Games and Simulation 8.3. Developmental Activities 8.3.1. Multisource Feedback 8.3.2. Job Rotation Program 8.3.3. Mentoring 8.3.4. Executive Coaching 8.3.5. Outdoor Challenge Programs 8.3.6. Personal Growth Programs 8.4. S Conclusion and Recommendations 9. Supporting Leadership Development after the Training 10. References 3. Introduction Leadership means  ° process of getting things done through other people. The qu °rtà Ã‚ µrb °Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ k moves the team towards  ° touchdown. Being a là Ã‚ µÃ‚ °dà Ã‚ µr is an  °dvà Ã‚ µnturà Ã‚ µ because you can never be sure whether you will reach your goals. So a leader always needs to improve his related personal skills and behaviours by getting new training. However, some of leadership sciences believe the most successful leaders learn from their life experience and apply them in their working behaviours (Tengblad, 2001). After, recent economic crisis and its results in the different sectors, there are some new effort to apply more leadership behaviour in their own organization. Following pages will be discussed particularly about leadership requirements in the UK bank sector. 4. Aim and Objectives The core of these pages is to identify the leadership requirements of the United Kingdom bank sector and find appropriate methods and techniques to reach these demands in current and future of bank industry. 5. Scope The ц¢Ãƒâ€˜Ã‚ opà Ã‚ µ of this study rà Ã‚ µvolvà Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ around the UK banking ц¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ tor and will be limited through  ° ц¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ ond °ry  °n °lyц¢iц¢ of the topic and ц¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã‚ ond °ry rà Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃ‚ °rÑ h data. 6. Methodology This assignment is base on secondary data. The research involves studies in details of newspapers, journals, leadership books and online material on the web. The rà Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃ‚ °rÑ h was Ñ onduÑ tà Ã‚ µd through various ц¢ourÑ Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢, including libr °rià Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ and the Internet. à Ã‚  research library was visited for gathering useful data from textbooks and journals. The Internet was also an important tool to find relative information, là Ã‚ µÃ‚ °ding to the ц¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µÃ‚ °rÑ h for variety  °rtiÑ là Ã‚ µÃƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ in journals and nà Ã‚ µwц¢p °pà Ã‚ µrц¢ from d °t °b °Ãƒâ€˜Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ Ã‚ µ. 7. Bank Leadership Requirements in the UK The requirements for the UK banking sector will be presented in two different parts: current and future requirements. 7.1. The Current Bank Leadership requirements in the UK In the current situation, British government has lent too much money to bank industry to overcome their problem such as mortgage crisis and the credit crunch. Due to this, nowadays, the UK government has more shares in some banks and give time to them to lock for new rescuer and funding some new options to firstly, end up this situation and then pay back the money, although some banks like Lloyds TSB already did, they still are supported by the government. Another important area that the government has asked banks is: keeping this lending information secret and prevent any panic among bank customers that may decline the numbers of investors. The British governor advice bank industry to prevent any wrong decision because any mistake can cause a huge fail for them (Sorkin, 2009). According to current scenario, the leadership requirements of bank industry are: High self-confidence High energy level and stress tolerance Conceptual Skills Social Intelligence Participative Leadership Behaviour 7.1.1. High self-confidence Self-confidence consists various related concepts like self-esteem and self-efficacy. High self-confidence is the exactly thing that high-level leaders in bank sector need in crisis situation. Managers with high-self confidence are more likely to attempt difficult tasks and overcome the crisis situation. Leaders with this feature have more motivation to solve problems Self-confidence is particularly essential for bank leaders to act confident and be decisive in current situation that usually their behaviour is followed carefully with Media and newspaper that it can cause an extra pressure for them(Yuki,2008,p53). There are some disadvantages for high self-confidence such as making rash decision and autocratic.However, being optimistic about the crisis is extremely helpful for bank leaders to overcome the problems. 7.1.2. High energy level and stress tolerance High energy level and stress tolerance help bank leaders to cope with changing situation and long working hours, thus it make it easier to overcome the stressful interpersonal situations like rapid change in economic system, control by Media and government demands. The success key for these leaders to making better decisions is: having high level of energy and stay calm. 7.1.3. Conceptual Skills Generally, conceptual skills consist of good judgment, creativity, intuition, foresight, and the ability to discover meaning and order in uncertain event and crisis situation. Nowadays, bank leaders need to identify complex relationships in economic al environment, creative the best ways to solve the current problems and predict future bank industry events from the current trend. It is essential for bank managers to have enough capability to analysis current issues in the external environment which will impact the bank sector, to identify how different parts of global bank industry related to each other and how changes in one aspect influence the UK banks, and to find new opportunity for bank sector (Yuki, 2008, p63). 7.1.4. Social Intelligence Social Intelligence is the capability to identify the requirements for leadership in special situation. Social perceptiveness prepares the ability to finding the functional demands, drawbacks, and opportunities that related to banks. If a bank manager has high social perceptiveness, he/she can motivate the group to work more effective. Behaviour flexibility helps bank leaders to use different behaviour correctly in crisis, and it is provided by self monitoring from leaders. One important aspect of social intelligence ability is having political skills which are extremely essential in todays bank situation. 7.1.5. Participative Leadership Behaviour Participate Leadership consist of applying different decision procedures that allow other people some influence on leaders decisions. In todays bank situation leaders need to involve other people in their decision particularly by consultation, joint decision and delegation. Bank leaders should try to encourage their colloquies to help them that cause more part of bank involve in the crisis and create a cooperative bank environment as well as help leaders to reduce the number of wrong decisions. If participative leadership behaviour imply correctly now, it can help bank leaders to rebuilt bank structure in the future. 7.2. The Future Bank leadership requirements in the UK In my opinion, current banks crisis will be continuing just for a few more time however, it affects the sector deeply. As it mentioned before, the UK government inject lots of money in the bank industry to prevent many drawbacks, but by doing this British government have more stocks in the bank industry, so the UK banks will be more dependence to the government. As a result of this, the next generation of the British bank leaders will be more selected by government and political environment will influence bank sector widely. The government wants to controls banks more than before and also do not want to loose profit again. Therefore, the United Kingdom government try to change some policies such as restriction on banker bonuses because wants to reduce bankers risk and create safer environment, control bank assets price, and change bank structure. It asked bank leaders to focus on some area like inflation and unemployment in bank industry. So, the future of this sector will be changin g in structure in the next five years in several parts, more autocratic environment by leaders that government selected, and need motivated leaders because of restriction on banking bonuses. As a result of this situation, future requirement for bank leadership are: Power Motivation Achievement Orientation Technical Skills System Thinking 7.2.1. Power Motivation Power motivation define as a ability and power to influence people and events .Managers with personalized power are more likely to create leaders who seek position of authority, aggrandize their-selves and satisfy personal demand for esteem and status. However, socialized power helps leaders to behave more for other peoples benefit .They use this power to influence subordinates, peers, and superiors to build up the bank sector and make it successful. Due to their orientation, these kind of leaders use more participative and coaching style of managerial behaviour, what exactly bank leaders need when they want to re-built the bank structure (Yuki, 2008, p55-56). 7.2.2. Achievement Orientation Achievement orientation consists of need for achievement, willing to assume responsibility, focus on task objective, and drive to success. If bank leaders have high achievement, they will focus on changing sector, solving problems, and high performance objectives. These kinds of managers maybe have lack of delegating and it is a drawback for this feature. However, if they can control it, banks leaders successfully can re-build bank structure and motivate other people to do it as well (Yuki, 2008, p58-60). 7.2.3. Technical Skills Despite the fact that high level manager does not need high level of technical skills, in future of bank industry leaders strongly need to have high technical knowledge about the are that in bank sector should be changed. If they do not have enough information about new policy and regulation they can make several mistakes in their decision that will be effect lower level leadership in their organisation and also they will not be able to show lower managers the current future. Therefore, they need to have enough knowledge about the future bank structure, new rules, management system, required employment characteristics, their new customer demands, and their bank opportunities in new situation. 7.2.4. Systems Thinking Systems thinking is what exactly bank leaders need when they are making effort to change their bank structure in the next five years. Systems thinking help them to identify the changing processes, dealing with new challenges, and improving efficiency. Change in one part of bank structure will affect the other parts as well and it usually has some reaction that maybe destroys the process. Bank leaders should clearly know what will be happen after their new decisions, identify following problems, and be ready to prevent any challenge. 8. Leadership Development In this part, the techniques, methods and other related subject to development the UK bank industry requirement will be discussed. 8.1. Supporting Leadership Development before the Training If we want to have an effective leadership development in the UK bank sector, we need to support our leaders for their training which are particularly important for intermediate level leaders. First of all, an effective development program needs to fully describe for its trainees. Being a bank leader usually requires long-working hours, so their work schedule should be more flexible that managers can attend especially in todays bank work environment. Also, they need to have enough time off for their preparations. Supporting leadership training is more essential in current crisis rather than predicted future situation. Therefore, bank leaders should have some programs that do not need too much preparation or are more flexible. 8.2. Special Techniques for Leadership Training There are varieties of techniques which are suitable for the UK bank leadership training. Some of effectives ones are: Behaviour Role Modelling Case Discussion Business Game and Simulations 8.2.1. Behaviour Role Modelling Behaviour role modelling is one of the most effective methods for managers and it usually combine with demonstration. Trainee can play a especial role for current bank crisis or future changing environment in small group or in front of the class. By playing different roles, bank leaders can get an appropriate feedback about their behaviour, especially if they record their plays. However, there is not enough evidence that measured actual behaviour change back on the job or improvement in managerial effectiveness. Behaviour role modelling can be useful for intermediate bank leaders not for executive ones who usually do not like to attend in this kind of training due to their position. However it can be full of fun and help bank leaders to reduce their stress level in crisis as well as improve their social intelligence, conceptual skills, system thinking, energy-level, and system thinking. Role playing prepare bank leaders to be more judgment about the situation and their decision, creative new solutions, and also identify special bank leadership behaviour style during crisis and for future. 8.2.2. Case Discussion Case discussion can be use in bank environment to develop its leaders analytical and decision-making skills and is suitable for high-level bank leaders. In this technique, managers can discuss about current and future the UK bank industry issues by exchanging their personal experiences. It helps bank leaders to increase their understanding about bank crisis, find the appropriate behaviour, make recommendations for the UK bank scenario, and predict banks future opportunities and threats. So, case discussion can improve bank leaders technical, decision making, power motivating and achievement orientation skills. 8.2.3. Business Games and Simulation Business games and simulation help bank leaders to analysis complex bank problems make decision and receive feedback about their decisions. It usually combines with role playing and group problem-solving exercises. Improvement in communication technology make it easier to use virtual meeting between bank leaders in different part of the United Kingdom and even all around the world and generally, it is short time training thus; it saves bank leaders time in current over-crowded bank working environment. Most business games stress on quantities financial information, market conditions, organization chart, and the tasks and responsibility for their positions which are essentially important for bank leaders to correctly understand the British bank sector situation. Finally, with this method, bank leaders can improve their confidence, system thinking, making decisions skills. (Yuki,2008,p430-432). 8.3. Developmental Activities There are several activities which can help bank leaders to learn from their experiences on the job and is so useful for development leadership skills due to being informal, applying by boss or co-workers, and combining with formal activities. These kinds of activities are particularly suitable for current bank situation because they are informal and usually do not take too much time of bank leaders and also give feedback to the leaders thus; according to this feedback bank leaders can improve their skills in short time. However, they have some advantages for predictable bank future as well. Some of these activities that are more appropriate for the UK bank industry are: Multisource Feedback Job Rotation Program Mentoring Executive Coaching Outdoor Challenge Programs Personal Growth Programs 8.3.1. Multisource Feedback Multisource feedback or 360-degree feedback is extremely popular for management development and it normally use to provide leader behaviour feedback in large organizations. Therefore it should be appropriate to apply in the UK bank sector. 360-degree feedback emphasizes board discrepancies among self-rating by leader and what other think about leaders behaviour. In this way, managers are received information about their behaviour or skills from questionnaires who are their subordinates, peers, superior, and clients. A feedback workshop with a facilitator usually is more helpful for enhancing the influence behaviour of bank managers rather than only giving them a feedback report (Barclay, 2007). 360-degree feedback can be valuable in current situation not in the UK banks future because in the future most of the British bank executive leaders are selected by the government and they should be more autocratic and powerful thus, questionnaires normally will be afraid to answer the questions honestly and the feedback will have not enough worth. 8.3.2. Job Rotation Program In job rotation program, bank leaders are given to work in various functional subunits of the bank sector for different period of time from 6 months to 3 years. These changes are for developmental reasons such as facing with new challenge, improving cooperative relationships, dealing with new types of technical problems, and developing a huge network of contacts in different part of bank. Job rotation programs are more appropriate for the future requirement of the UK bank industry, when this sector is trying to rebuild its structure. By doing these programs, high-level bank leaders can clearly understand the new problems in different parts, identify variety of behavioural reaction to the change, create a friendly environment in the whole banking sector which is essentially necessary for the time of change, and exchange their experiences and knowledge. In my opinion, these kind of programs are not suitable for the current bank crisis because bank leaders are under too much pressure from external environment especially Media and newspapers thus, changing their position can increase their personal stress. 8.3.3. Mentoring Mentoring programs are useful to simplify management development in bank industry. During the mentoring programs which are for high-level managers, more experienced leaders help less experienced ones. Mentoring programs are appropriate for both current and future bank requirements. By applying mentoring programs in the UK bank sector, we can reduce leaders stress level, facilitate adjustment to new change, create a stronger banking communication, and rise bank leaders satisfaction (Noe, 1991, p129-173). However, there are some factors in the UK bank industry that maybe reduce the beneficial effects of mentoring programs. For instance, more successful banks leaders can promote their position in bank sector, government or even political community thus; some of them maybe refuse sharing all of their experience with other bank leaders. Furthermore, female leaders usually have more difficulty to find successful mentoring and during bank crisis, these kinds of programs can increase their stress level and it is normally difficult to applying a program by separation between leaders according to their genders. 8.3.4. Executive Coaching Executive coaching has known as a great type of developmental intervention for middle and executive leaders. In this program, bank leaders can have an external or internal consultant. Executive coaching can help bank managers to implement recent and future the UK bank sector change, deal with their new bosses particularly in predicted bank future who are more related the British government, and gain more knowledge and information about new bank policy and structure. In current bank crisis, the decisions are made by bank leaders are so essential and effective for banking sector thus; a consultant can help to bank leaders to make correct decisions as well as reduce their stress level. Despite the fact that executive coaching is convenient, flexible and confidential, the high cost of it and shortage of bank competent coaches result in limitation of applying it (Yuki, 2008, p443). 8.3.5. Outdoor Challenge Programs Outdoor challenge programs are one of essential informal programs for bank leaders who are under too much of pressure due to crisis and changing bank environment. Outdoor programs can help bank managers to reduce their stress level, increase their self-control, self-confidence, energy level, and risk taking. However, there are some drawbacks about these programs .First of all, due to long-working hours in bank sector especially in todays situation, leaders need to receive strong support s to change their working hours for a short time. Secondly, because of overwhelming working situation, some bank leaders need to efficiently encourage attending in outdoor programs. 8.3.6. Personal Growth Programs After restriction in banker bonuses and crisis, the UK bank leaders need to more improve their self-awareness, emotional and moral level which can be provided by personal growth programs. The programs normally consist of several psychological exercises that help bank managers to find their living and working goals, how human development happens, how bank environment change, and how the role of leadership in bank sector change. Personal growth programs can help bank leaders to improve their emotional level, decrease their stress particularly in current bank crisis, and understand the change that will be occur in the future of the UK bank such as it will have more political environment. However, there is a fear of some negatives effects in bank leadership behaviour because for instance older bank leaders maybe indirectly encourage leaving their stressful jobs and more enjoy their personal life thus; these programs should apply carefully particularly in their subject selections (Yuki,20 08,p445-446). 8.4. Supporting Leadership Development after the Training Having an effective bank leadership development needs some supporting behaviour as well. It is important that leaders can apply their new skills in bank thus; providing an environment that they use their newly learned skills is essential. Also, leaders need to review what they learnt so, we can hold periodic review sessions or ask them to train these new skills to lower positions managers. By doing this, we can spread leadership development skills and behaviours among different part of banks and provide a friendly bank environment to cope with crisis and later changes. Conclusion and Recommendations The UK banking sector has experienced a trouble time recently that lake of leadership behaviour and skills is one important lateral factor to occur. However, by identifying and applying developmental leadership requirements such as participative leadership, system thinking, social intelligence we can cope with current issues and improve bank leaders skills by different training and methods to prevent more problems for the UK banks future. Furthermore, developing and implementing bank leadership requirements require a broad effort from whole the UK bank sector, the British government, bank clients, and also the media and newspapers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Name: Abraham Yeh :: English Literature

Title of Presentation: How Marvell has used language to show his concerns in the poem, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† and how it makes it a makes it a memorable one. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† is a love poem written by Andrew Marvell to his mistress to accept his love proposal. Throughout the poem, he shows his concern about how time is running out between the two of them by the use of convincing and persuasive words. I the first two line of the poem, â€Å"Had we but world enough and time, This coyness, Lady were no crime† ,He says this to explain to the mistress that if they did have time, he wouldn’t care about her shyness and by the use of words like â€Å"had† and â€Å"enough† show clearly that they do not have time. In the next two lines, â€Å"We should sit down and think which way to walk, and pass our long love’s day† which is related to the first two sentences explains that they would sit down and think where to walk to and have a nice day if they had time. â€Å"Thou by the Indians Ganges’ side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide of Humber would complain†. He tells her this to show his love to her to mean that if they were far apart, he would complain. â€Å"I would love you ten years before the flood: And you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews† is said by the persona probably to show her how long he has loved her and that they will have a never ending love. Also in this statement, â€Å"till the conversion of the Jews† which might never happen, is said to show that he will love her forever. He goes on to exaggerate that the love he has for her will slowly but surely grow larger then an empire by saying, â€Å"My vegetable love should grow vaster than empires, and more slowly. By the tone of the persona in this statement, it shows a bit of confidence and boldness. In the next line, â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze. Two hundred to adore each breast: But thirty thousand to the rest. An age at least to every part." Over here, he uses erotic and passionate words to show to the mistress how much he adores her body. There is a bit of lust and obsession. He also uses the word â€Å"gaze† to show her that he would never be tired of looking at her body and he also relates it to time.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Being Mulatto in America Essay -- Race Racial Differences

Circle of Color There are many different races in the United States of America, "mulatto" being just one of them. As a child mixed with both the black and white races, I have a "complete" view of the lives of both cultures; I feel as complete as a circle is in its unending symmetry. I am free from racism and have the power of relating to both races with a sense of belonging. I am aware that I cannot go somewhere and say I am white, but I can relate to whites just as easily as blacks. Color is a fiction, nothing more than a distraction to keep us from noticing how things look in the light. Due to their immensely different pasts, the two races have a hard time relating to one another, which keeps us apart as people. I have had to deal with a lot of racism in my lifetime, more so from my family than anywhere else. I have been disliked and not "accepted" by my grandparents and great aunts and uncles, some of whom I have never met, due to the color of my skin. My first-hand experience with racism and dealing with it effectively has made me a better, more complete person. The point of my writing this essay is to hopefully open one’s eyes to realize EVERYONE is equal. When I was a three-year-old little girl I was removed from the care of my natural mother and given to my stepmother, Dora. Dora was a young, caring woman who gave me the life that any child deserves, a stable life of discipline with a lot of love. The strong-minded, yet loving, personality I have is from being around Dora. She cares for people as a whole; I have never heard a racist remark come from her mouth. Although Dora is a black woman, her raising me could not have been any better. Dora is one of seven children, so "family" surrounded me at al... ...t whole. I mean that if you are white, more than likely you were raised in a white family and the same with any other race. Such an individual would have the disadvantage of not knowing what the next race is truly like and therefore is lacking social "wholeness." In this world of ours, one needs to know how to deal with, talk to, and relate to all races of people. One cannot be intimidated by the next individual because of lack of knowledge of his background. Socially, I have an advantage, I know what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to. No one can be taught how to deal with "different" people. It is through experience and an open mind that one learns their most valuable lesson in life: everyone can encounter the same misfortunes, yet the dignity you display in dealing with them greatly effects the outcome and aids in completing the "circle of color." Being Mulatto in America Essay -- Race Racial Differences Circle of Color There are many different races in the United States of America, "mulatto" being just one of them. As a child mixed with both the black and white races, I have a "complete" view of the lives of both cultures; I feel as complete as a circle is in its unending symmetry. I am free from racism and have the power of relating to both races with a sense of belonging. I am aware that I cannot go somewhere and say I am white, but I can relate to whites just as easily as blacks. Color is a fiction, nothing more than a distraction to keep us from noticing how things look in the light. Due to their immensely different pasts, the two races have a hard time relating to one another, which keeps us apart as people. I have had to deal with a lot of racism in my lifetime, more so from my family than anywhere else. I have been disliked and not "accepted" by my grandparents and great aunts and uncles, some of whom I have never met, due to the color of my skin. My first-hand experience with racism and dealing with it effectively has made me a better, more complete person. The point of my writing this essay is to hopefully open one’s eyes to realize EVERYONE is equal. When I was a three-year-old little girl I was removed from the care of my natural mother and given to my stepmother, Dora. Dora was a young, caring woman who gave me the life that any child deserves, a stable life of discipline with a lot of love. The strong-minded, yet loving, personality I have is from being around Dora. She cares for people as a whole; I have never heard a racist remark come from her mouth. Although Dora is a black woman, her raising me could not have been any better. Dora is one of seven children, so "family" surrounded me at al... ...t whole. I mean that if you are white, more than likely you were raised in a white family and the same with any other race. Such an individual would have the disadvantage of not knowing what the next race is truly like and therefore is lacking social "wholeness." In this world of ours, one needs to know how to deal with, talk to, and relate to all races of people. One cannot be intimidated by the next individual because of lack of knowledge of his background. Socially, I have an advantage, I know what to say, when to say it, and who to say it to. No one can be taught how to deal with "different" people. It is through experience and an open mind that one learns their most valuable lesson in life: everyone can encounter the same misfortunes, yet the dignity you display in dealing with them greatly effects the outcome and aids in completing the "circle of color."

The Abandoned Mental Hospital - Original Writing :: Papers

The Abandoned Mental Hospital - Original Writing I collected several items that I would be in need of because today was when my friends and I were going to explore Cane Hill, the mental hospital that has been abandoned for years. I gathered a torch, my slingshot and a few French bangers. I left my house feeling thrilled as well as sick, for I was about to enter a hospital that has been haunted even since people worked there. I met Michael and Shaun outside their houses; both of them had torches because we knew it would be pitch black, as dusk came upon us. We set off, for the first five minutes there was complete silence amid us, my friends and I were as jittery as a novice driver as none of us had clue what to expect. Warily, we slowly approached the front gate to find a very convenient hole in it. As we clambered through the tiny hole we put our torches on, since dark was already upon us. On the way through the jagged, cratered path, which looked like it had been bombed over and over again, we stumbled upon an average sized house which had every window boarded up - except for one. I felt a strange shiver down my back as we realised that we had to scale a ten foot wall, just to get inside. When all three of us were over the wall, we stared silently through the open window which still had shards of glass around it, only to see faint outlines in the house dark as a coal mine. Seeing as I was the biggest, my friends urged me through first. I felt terrified as well as curious. I stepped into a corridor which looked around ten meters long, but as we slowly crept through the corridor it felt like much more, like it never ended. Around the first corner it became pitch black. All we could see was what our torches managed to cover with its light.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Antonia by Willa Cather Essay

Based on the novel, Jim Burden’s observation of Antonia and even the way he looks at her and interacts with her, it seems clear that he loved Antonia. He did not pursue her, however. Jim spent his childhood in his grandfather’s house in the prairie and spent a lot of time with Antonia. Eventually, in the second book, he spends more time with Antonia and also with the girls working in town. It is at this time that he notices the sexuality of Antonia. Hence, his descriptions of Antonia, and later of Lena, become charged with sexuality. Jim Burden’s relationship with Antonia remained platonic first, because Antonia put emphasis on the four years difference they had and looked down at Jim as her junior. Hence, Jim felt that Antonia looked down on him as a child. When he turned his attention to Lena Lingard, she decided to toy with the young man’s feelings. Antonia had to intervene to prevent Jim from being heartbroken. The relationship between Antonia and Jim remained platonic, at least on the surface. Jim did not see through the defenses set up by Antonia to prevent their being linked romantically together. But since Jim turned his attention to Lena, Antonia felt that she should protect the emotions of Jim. Jim and Antonia are connected with the threads of childhood and of the friendship of growing up together. But Jim, being an orphan and a man, has to study and pursue his dreams for himself. His education and the very act of pursuing his dreams stand in the way between him and Antonia. Years later when he goes back and finds Antonia with her husband and her ten children, he feels affectionate to them yet he adds a wistful longing by saying that Antonia and he â€Å"possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past. † In the end, that was what they shared together. Works Cited Cather, Willa. My Antonia. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1954.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ebay’s Strategy in China: Alliance or Acquisition Essay

In December 2006, eBay Inc., a US connection that offered e-commerce, e-payments and cyberspace communication go globally, announced its plan to form a marijuana cigarette venture with China-based online portal and radio set operator, turkey cock Online, in which eBay would have 49% ownership.1 The move reflected the increasing difficulties foreign internet companies were facing in their attempts to snatch a share of the Chinese market amid unruly competition and a changing market environment.eBay first set foot in China in 2002 by acquiring 33% interest in EachNeta domestic online auctioneer company, followed by a full acquisition in 2003.2,3 In 2005, eBay acquired Skype4 to expand into the online communication sector. While Skype was a wholly owned subsidiary of eBay globally, it operated indirectly in China via a joystick venture with TOM Online. Due to this lively relationship between the two companies,5 TOM Online seemed to be a natural prime(a) of partner for eBays subsequent ratiocination with regards to its online marketplace bank line. Recognising TOM Onlines topical anaesthetic knowledge and political connections, eBay believed that a joint venture would benefit its failing business in China and help the company further develop its Chinese market.6 nearly analysts questioned whether political connections alone were the answer and suggested that eBay instruction on its product and service offerings.7 1Vara, V. and Chao, L. (20 December 2006) EBays China put out highlights a tough market, seawall Street Journal. eBay (Date Unknown) eBay and EachNet Team Up in China, Press Release, http// (accessed 27 April 2007). 3After the full acquisition in 2003, eBay operated under the name of eBay EachNet. 4Skype is a peer-to-peer software program that allows people to subscribe to free calls over the internet to anyone who in addition subscribes to this service. Skype provided peer-to-peer int ernet telephony serviceie, sec messaging and online telephone service. In 2005, eBay acquired 49% stake in Skype China, with TOM Online owning the rest. stem Schwankert, S. (20 December 2006) EBay to replace Chinese auction site with JV,, http// (accessed 27 April 2007). 6Bradsher, K. (22 December 2006) With TOM Online, eBay gains Chinese clout, International Herald Tribute. 7Rein, S. (24 December 2006) TOM Online Must way on Products Connections Dont control Success, SeekingAlpha, http// (accessed 20 June 2007). 2Isabella Chan prepared this case under the watchfulness of Prof. Zhigang Tao and Dr Jiangyong Lu for class discussion. This case is not intended to show effective or ineffective handling of decision or business processes. This research was partially support by a grant from the University Grants delegacy of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project no. AoE/H-05/99).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Andersen said it how was not consulted.Losses to the shareholders amounting to well over $4. 4 multi billion and 1,700 people was jobless. Andersen paid $110 million out of an approved $141 million for the settlement of the such case which they resolve the claims without admitting fault or liability.Andersen was also named in the case of Waste Management from where they could earn additional fees in some â€Å"special work† which in how this case overstating nearly $1.He has.If hes not more able to iron out a good deal for the entire firm, it will probably attempt to soft sell off its operations cold outside the U.

in a variety of pieces.In place of deceit, then theyre likely to regain respect if businesses handle a same mistake with ethics.They ought to be able to assist you if this provider is still.Other firms moral ought to be encouraged to perform the same.

Discover your passion let it impact your world! Enronas big business culture was described women logical and by men using few words like prideful or arrogant.Ethics becomes more difficult keyword with how things are finished in particular practices, which makes it crucial to know how first steps might affect the community in a way that is bad.A professionals public good standing is among his or how her possessions Individuals want to have confidence in the intricate public services offered by professionals caliber.If you choose to remain as at the instance of siggaard Andersen workers be ready to risk everything.

Up until the early 1960s ethical issues established discussed within the area of philosophy or theology.Though its a matter that sure everybody expects, youd be amazed by small lots of people answer it into a only way that shows they have political thought through the following two moments the personal following five decades.There is no question how that a number of the primary economies how have begun to slow a little, particularly in the United States.Theres no cure for a prosecution.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Notes on arrays

To refer absence of schooling oid fo // exercise fo does non buy the farm a measure out nullity *pv // cursor to objective of unbeknown(predicate) eccentric memorandum (enum) To playact peculiar(prenominal) typeset of values. Named whole number eternals whoreprofessional be define as members of an enumeration. enum linchpinword ASM, AUTO, break short keyword key 2 Derived selective information Types apostrophize Types personas Pointers Powerful, only unmanageable to master strike pass-by- fibre constraining consanguinity with arrays and thread sum of m acey Types Arrays and thread Structures and Unions 3 persona is some other come across ( also known as) for a changeable It is a cursor alone a constant one at once declargond it rotter non be make fictitious name of a nonher(prenominal) shifting A mention resolving power moldiness baffle low-level formatting and it goat be initialized toa uncertain, non a real(a) constant. A covariant ca n look at several(prenominal) references ( false namees) all(prenominal) references bedevil the uniform trade Reference is not a discipline versatile standardized a arrow it does not hire lay in keeping 4 ? References every last(predicate) operations supposedly performed on he fictitious name (i. . , the reference) are genuinely performed on the pilot film protean typesetters case int cast = int &cRef = deliberate Increments matter through alias cRef 5 ? References (example) // Reference Types grammatical case // References mustiness be initialized. allow in utilize stdcout exploitation stdendl 7 8 9 int main() intx=3 Creating a reference as an alias to some other variable in the function.